Livestock farming: The Iberian pigs are raised and fattened in the estates belonging to the company until they are over the necessary weight and age, when animals are loaded in a special truck (a vehicle adapted and authorised for the transport of the cattle) and then they are ready to depart to Guijuelo.
Transport: The best moment to begin the trip is at dawn so that the temperature is the lowest possible. The arrival to the slaughter house must be well co-ordinated. Once the truck is empty, it must be cleaned and disinfected in an exhaustive way. When they leave the truck, Iberian pigs are submitted to an analysis the moment in which they enter into the slaughter house and after that, by the veterinarian of the slaughter house. It is very important that there are not mixed batches of animals in the same truck.
Slaughter: Once the animals are unloaded, they rest for 18 to 24 hours before being slaughtered. This is very important because if the animals are slaughtered directly after the stress of the trip, the quality of the meat is worse and also the slaughter is more difficult.
After the obliged rest comes the slaughter, which consists of different stages: stun; bled; scalded; depilated, singed and flagellated; emptied and marked.
Splitting: The parts of the pig are separated manually in our factory. Hams and shoulders are branded, corresponding to the week of their slaughter. This is done in approved cutting plants with guarantee of hygiene. They are then transferred to the salting chamber.